Take a Guided Tour of the Sangamon River Corridor Reserve
Tour the Bruce Hannon Levee Trail at the Sangamon River Corridor Reserve using your mobile device and the Prairie State Hike App! At a dozen stops, the app enriches your experience with photos and fun facts. An interactive map shows your location.
You can also use the app at home to preview the trail or learn more about the site's beauties and benefits.
The app is a project of the Prairie State Conservation Coalition.
To Get the Prairie State Hike App
Use the links here, or search your app store for Prairie State Hike.
Buy and download the app.
Download our hike. Look for Sangamon River Corridor Reserve in the Central East Illinois category.

NOTE: App files are large. You may wish to download our hike at a location with a strong internet connection before going to the trail.
The app includes trails all over Illinois. Happy hiking!